Through the Frum Forum blog, it has come out that the military has finally complied with the court order to accept openly gay recruits. The order was issued by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.
Funny, President Obama was elected with so much gay support, but it took the judiciary to end DADT. If Obama were so pro-gay, he could have issued an executive order.
In this, as in the gay marriage controversy, the President talks as if he is sympathetic to gay equality, but look at his actions! Yet the majority of gay activists remain firmly behind him. It's not really justified, but you can't convince them.
Funny, President Obama was elected with so much gay support, but it took the judiciary to end DADT. If Obama were so pro-gay, he could have issued an executive order.
In this, as in the gay marriage controversy, the President talks as if he is sympathetic to gay equality, but look at his actions! Yet the majority of gay activists remain firmly behind him. It's not really justified, but you can't convince them.
Obama fueled the the push for equality. Look at the GOP candidates. They are against the repeal to Don't ask Don't tell, and against any form of gay marriage and most against any form of gay rights or gay equality. Obama is our only hope for continued gay equality for 2012.
If you really believe that anything Obama has done has furthered the cause of gay equality, you have been grievously deceived. It was the Log Cabin Republicans who pushed the repeal of Prop. 8, with no help from Obama at all. The court decisions which ended "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," similarly, got no help from Obama at all. He talks equality, but refuses to do a thing that would actually help.
Believe me, even under Michelle Bachman or Rick Santorum, the most anti-gay of the GOP candidates, gay rights will actually make as much progress as if Obama is returned to office. Obama is utterly beholden to people like the SEIU, who provide him with money and goons to beat up opponents. Gay Americans are neither numerous enough nor pewerful enough to help him, so he gives them lip service but nothing else.
As I said, if Obama were truly pro-gay rights, he could have ended DADT with an executive order on Jan. 20, 2009. He didn't, and has not done so -- it took a Court order to end DADT.
And it took him two years to cease to defend DOMA. Two whole years. A lot of help that gays have gotten from Obama.
Wake up, Mr. Hart!
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